It is best practice to attach a PropertySettings
object to a
instance in order to better document
the conditions under which the property was computed. This would often include
information such as the DFT software package, a description of the calculation,
and an example file for running the calculation.
- class'', description='', fields=None, files=None, labels=None)
This class is used to store information useful for reproducing a Property.
- method
A short string describing the method used for computing the properties (e.g., ‘VASP’, ‘QuantumEspresso’, ‘experiment’, …)
- Type
- description
A human-readable description of the settings.
- Type
- fields
A dictionary of additional information. key = name of the field;
value = { 'source-value': <key_for_extracting_from_configuration>, 'source-units': <string_specifying_units> or None }
For more details onw how to build this dictionary, refer to the “property map” description in the documentation, which follows a similar structure. These fields will be used to extract data from a Configuration object when inserting into the database.
- Type
- files
A list of 2-tuples, where the first value of each tuple is the name of a file, and the second value is the contents of the file.
- Type
- labels
A list of strings; generated by parsing files, description, and method.
- Type
- __eq__(other)
Equality check compares hashes
- __hash__()
Hashes method, description, field contents, and file contents. Does NOT use the description or the labels for hashing.
- __init__(method='', description='', fields=None, files=None, labels=None)
- __repr__()
Return repr(self).
- __str__()
Return str(self).
- __weakref__
list of weak references to the object (if defined)